Change Text Case tool!
Change Text Case:
Our advanced online text case converter tool allows you to change between lower-case and upper-case letters, capitalize, uncapitalize, convert to mixed case, etc.
Make title Change Text Case capitalization easy. Automatically capitalize and convert to Title Case (in AP, APA, Chicago, MLA, BB, AMA), sentence case, UPPERCASE, lowercase, and more. What is the capitalization of my title?
Change Text Case or Capitalize My Title is a title capitalization tool that uses title-capricious rules published by leading professional organizations to ensure your titles and headlines are capitalized correctly. We use logic and artificial intelligence to determine which words should be capitalized in your heading.
Capitalizing my title is how to use it.
Click on a tab to select your title style. If you have questions, read our title capitalization rules.
The title is entered in the text box.
You can watch your title convert case and be capitalized.
If you want to copy the text to your clipboard, press the Enter button on your keyboard or click the Copy button next to the text box.
Capitalize on your next title.